Best live performer rapper
Best live performer rapper

best live performer rapper

Instead, popular artists in these genres fill stadiums.

best live performer rapper

When it comes to rap and hip-hop concerts, they are no longer as associated with small, informal, makeshift venues, such as community centers, basements, and yards. Although rap and hip-hop as genres have explored darker controversies since their inception, this past still influences the best rap and hip-hop being created today. Many of these early tunes did not find mainstream commercial success, but they were created with a sense of community and an eye towards social justice. With this experimentation, a whole subculture developed, making way to break dancing, rhyming, styling, beatboxing and MC-ing that became the foundation for the rap and hip-hop that people know today. Other influences were as widespread a reggae, international electronic music, and spoken word poetry. DJs would sample the most catchy, danceable parts of records, picking up on rhythmic bits from jazz and funk genres. It is true that there is some debate about the origins of rap and hip-hop, but many agree that it can be traced back to New York disc-jockeys (DJs) in the late 70s. For more information on the history of these genres and the concert landscape today, keep reading. As rap and hip-hop are more accessible, diverse and widely loved than ever before, tickets to these concerts sell out quickly. A majority of the top ten artists are in the hop-hop and R&B genres, and streaming of those genres has increased 72%. According to Nielsen’s most recent annual music report, hip-hop is now the most popular genre of music in the United States, surpassing rock for the first time ever.

Best live performer rapper